Photographer male / 55
Copy Me / Street  photography by Photographer Ralf Scherer ★10 | STRKNG

Copy Me - © Ralf Scherer
Achim Katzberg

Italian Ladies / Street  photography by Photographer Ralf Scherer ★10 | STRKNG

Italian Ladies - © Ralf Scherer

Elemental Power / Street  photography by Photographer Ralf Scherer ★10 | STRKNG

Elemental Power - © Ralf Scherer

No Followers / Street  photography by Photographer Ralf Scherer ★10 | STRKNG

No Followers - © Ralf Scherer

Best Time / Street  photography by Photographer Ralf Scherer ★10 | STRKNG

Best Time - © Ralf Scherer

Opportunity / Street  photography by Photographer Ralf Scherer ★10 | STRKNG

Opportunity - © Ralf Scherer

Black Swan / Street  photography by Photographer Ralf Scherer ★10 | STRKNG

Black Swan - © Ralf Scherer

Deep Faith / Street  photography by Photographer Ralf Scherer ★10 | STRKNG

Deep Faith - © Ralf Scherer

ZOU / Street  photography by Photographer Ralf Scherer ★10 | STRKNG

ZOU - © Ralf Scherer

2019-06-20 03:37 
Madrid Vintage / Street / Madrid,streetphotography,people,vintage,blackandwhite
Madrid Vintage

When you shoot a celebrity and you don't know it

In 2016 I shot this photo in Madrid. My friend Michael and I walked across an old vintage market. A market full of vintage stuff. We saw a lot of old vinyl records. My personel focus was on the people there. Always looking for some special and uniqe humans. Then I saw him. I waited till he noticed me. In this moment his left hand made this gesture. What a uniqe guy. I love it when people have enough self-confidence and express themselves. It is not easy today and very rare because we are all adjusted. I think someone like him wants to be seen. That's why I had no problem shooting the photo. 
I did not know that he was well known in Madrid. Willem Pieters the owner of the gallery De Rivier where I exhibit my work last year told me, his friend was the neighbor of the guy on the picture. His name is Paco Clavel. He is a singer and one of the biggest record collectors from Madrid.

Sometimes the world is a small place.

Past Events

Archive 09.10.2019

Street Photography Workshop  

"Fokus Mensch"

Wednesday, 2019-10-09 19:00h - Wednesday, 2019-10-16 21:00h

VHS Unna

Nordrhein-Westfalen / Germany / Europe

Ein intensiver Workshop zum Thema Street Photography
9.10.2019 Einführungsabend ca 19-21 Uhr
Geschichte, Equipment, Menschen....

12.10.2019 Exkursion in Dortmund
10-16 Uhr gemeinsamer Fotowalk

16.10.2019 Reflexion19-21 Uhr

Der Workshop ist für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene geeignet.
Voraussetzung ist eine eigene Kamera

Event created by Ralf Scherer / 2019-07-18 04:50:46

Link: Wednesday, 2019-10-09 19:00h - Wednesday, 2019-10-16 21:00h / Street Photography Workshop| "Fokus Mensch"

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Ralf Scherer

STRKNG participants of portfolio images


For me street photography is much more than taking pictures.
It’s a very personal journey about life, humans, love, peace and art.

All you need is love -John Lennon 1967

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