The Seed / Black and White  photography by Photographer nonkonform ★5 | STRKNG

The Seed - © nonkonform

The drinker / Conceptual  photography by Photographer nonkonform ★5 | STRKNG

The drinker - © nonkonform

Warleader / Nude  photography by Photographer nonkonform ★5 | STRKNG

Warleader - © nonkonform

Morgenstund / Nude  photography by Photographer nonkonform ★5 | STRKNG

Morgenstund - © nonkonform

The Dress / Fine Art  photography by Photographer nonkonform ★5 | STRKNG

The Dress - © nonkonform

Amalgam / Conceptual  photography by Photographer nonkonform ★5 | STRKNG

Amalgam - © nonkonform

Zielfindung / Instant Film  photography by Photographer nonkonform ★5 | STRKNG

Zielfindung - © nonkonform

Nude  photography by Photographer nonkonform ★5 | STRKNG

- © nonkonform

2020-02-07 18:12 

Psilocybe dementis

Die Pilzzeit ist schon länger vorbei.

Die Wirkung hält aber an.

2019-05-26 15:29 

The Wanderer

"There sandy seems the golden sky
And golden seems the sandy plain.
No habitation meets the eye
Unless in the horizon rim,
Some halfway up the limestone wall,
That spot of black is not a stain
Or shadow, but a cavern hole,
Where someone used to climb and crawl
To rest from his besetting fears.
I see the callus on his soul
The disappearing last of him
And of his race starvation slim,
Oh years ago - ten thousand years. "

- Robert Frost

2019-02-20 20:42 


A year into photography and I have checked off enough topics to narrow down my range of work options to a reasonable set.

I want to do more conceptual work and I want to do so with lots of interesting people who share some of my sentiments and offer new ones all along.

May this short series be the introduction to much to follow.

2019-01-17 19:08 


I argued with myself for the better part of an hour whether or not it would be a good idea to pick up one of these Fujifilm Instax cameras that rather look (and feel) like a toy.

Well, it was, and the toy-like feel is warranted. I'm having lots of fun in ways digital never allowed me to.

Here are some (very early) results.

2018-12-12 19:26 
Zeitungsleser 1 / Konzeptionell
Zeitungsleser 1
Zeitungsleser 2 / Konzeptionell
Zeitungsleser 2
Zeitungsleser 3 / Konzeptionell / conceptual,contemporary
Zeitungsleser 3
Zeitungsleser 4 / Konzeptionell
Zeitungsleser 4


Eine Ode an ein Medium, welches sich, nicht gänzlich unverdient, auf den letzten paar Metern auf dem Weg alles Irdischen befindet.



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