Zielfindung - © nonkonform

- © nonkonform
Europe / Germany / Saarland / Saarbrücken
Zielfindung - © nonkonform
- © nonkonform
With Halloween Horror looming, I wanted to get in the mood for the celebration.
This series, shot on an abandoned work site, was an attempt of merging two rather adverse topics, horror and erotic. Three minutes in it started to rain, which doubtless added to the atmosphere but unfortunately didn't make the work any easier.
With most initial ideas left undone, I found myself back home again in front of a set of grossly underexposed images and tried to save what I could.
I can't deny that I like the feeling of the result.
Only thing is, I can't seem to get her to tell me what she saw in there that made her look the way she did. Ever since she's on the floor, swinging to and fro apathetically, babbling ominously.
Happy (Pre-)Halloween!