Photographer male
Well protected? II / Street  photography by Photographer MEBOE photography | STRKNG

Well protected? II - © MEBOE photography

Covered roses / Abandoned places  photography by Photographer MEBOE photography | STRKNG

Covered roses - © MEBOE photography

Chains / Architecture  photography by Photographer MEBOE photography | STRKNG

Chains - © MEBOE photography

Dune 19 III SW / Landscapes  photography by Photographer MEBOE photography | STRKNG

Dune 19 III SW - © MEBOE photography

Blue red II / Abstract  photography by Photographer MEBOE photography | STRKNG

Blue red II - © MEBOE photography

Into the shadow II / Street  photography by Photographer MEBOE photography | STRKNG

Into the shadow II - © MEBOE photography

A moment of rest II / People  photography by Photographer MEBOE photography | STRKNG

A moment of rest II - © MEBOE photography

Strumpfakt / People  photography by Photographer MEBOE photography | STRKNG

Strumpfakt - © MEBOE photography

Wait 3 / Street  photography by Photographer MEBOE photography | STRKNG

Wait 3 - © MEBOE photography


Ich fotografiere seit meiner Jugend und mich begeistert die Möglichkeit des Festhaltens der Surrealität des besonderen Augenblicks über das Rauschen fortlaufender Zeit hinaus. Nach intensiver Beschäftigung unter Zuhilfenahme einer analogen Spiegelreflexkamera und mit eigenem Labor für Projekte, Ausstellungen und Veröffentlichungen, trat berufs- und familienbedingt eine fotografisch ruhigere Phase ein. Seit zehn Jahren bin ich wieder kreaktiv, mittels digitalem Vollformat, olfaktorisch befreiter Entwicklung und regelmäßigen Projekten, Ausstellungen und Veröffentlichungen. Thematisch liegen mir, oft monochrom umgesetzt, Street-, Landschafts-, Architektur- und abstrakte Fotografie besonders am Herzen.

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