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Fine Art  photography by Photographer Manfred | STRKNG

- © Manfred

Guardians of Time / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Manfred | STRKNG

Guardians of Time - © Manfred

Guardians of Time / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Manfred | STRKNG

Guardians of Time - © Manfred

guardians of Time / Fine Art  photography by Photographer Manfred | STRKNG

guardians of Time - © Manfred



Guardians of Time
The Sculptures "Guardians of Time" are created by Manfred Kielnhofer. The Austrian artist Kielnhofer is sure that mankind is watched and protected by strange characters. The previous and further existence of the human race belongs to those creatures taking care of mankind. Nobody knows where these guardians of time come from. They suddenly appear and also disappear at once, and sometimes they are around you but you cannot see them. They are always taking care of you. Some may think about a religion, but it is not. Prophets and religions come and go, but the “Guardians of Time” stay with us, independent of time or space. Independent whether your religion, your nationality, the colour of your skin.
The designer and artist Manfred Kielnhofer once had a skiing accident dangerous to life. He was bedfast for a long period and was not able to work. During the time of rehabilitation he began to think things over. What happened to me and who paid attention to me? Who rescued me? What is that good for? Why did I survive? He was asking himself. And then, suddenly, the shape of the guardians appeared in the dark, inside his brain, becoming more and more concrete. Immediately he knew: That’s the answer. These creatures have rescued him. They have taken care of him.
Since that time Manfred Kielnhofer is creating these sculptures. He named them “Guardians of Time”, in German “Waechter”. He travels around the world, showing these Sculptures and telling people not to be afraid, but also to be careful. Because if you do something that harms other people, you are watched by the “Guardians of Time” and you will be called to account.
The message says that people should never forget that they are always watched by a power that is stronger than mankind. Just lean back and have a good time, you are always sheltered. And stop dark doings, because you can never cheat the “Guardians of Time”.
Martina Gansterer, 2015

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