Photographer male
"Luise", from the series "Bloom of Youth 2", Berlin 2013 / Nude  photography by Photographer Jens Pepper ★8 | STRKNG

"Luise", from the series "Bloom of Youth 2", Berlin 2013 - © Jens Pepper

Selina, from the series "Bloom of Youth 2", Speyer 2015 / Nude  photography by Photographer Jens Pepper ★8 | STRKNG

Selina, from the series "Bloom of Youth 2", Speyer 2015 - © Jens Pepper

"Luise & Sonja", from the series "Bloom of Youth 2", Berlin 2014 / Nude  photography by Photographer Jens Pepper ★8 | STRKNG

"Luise & Sonja", from the series "Bloom of Youth 2", Berlin 2014 - © Jens Pepper

Sonja, aus der Serie "Bloom of Youth 2" / Nude  photography by Photographer Jens Pepper ★8 | STRKNG

Sonja, aus der Serie "Bloom of Youth 2" - © Jens Pepper

Nude  photography by Photographer Jens Pepper ★8 | STRKNG

- © Jens Pepper

Paula, aus der Serie "Bloom of Youth 2" / Nude  photography by Photographer Jens Pepper ★8 | STRKNG

Paula, aus der Serie "Bloom of Youth 2" - © Jens Pepper

Selina, from Bloom of Youth 2, 2015 / Nude  photography by Photographer Jens Pepper ★8 | STRKNG

Selina, from Bloom of Youth 2, 2015 - © Jens Pepper

Vee 2020 / Nude  photography by Photographer Jens Pepper ★8 | STRKNG

Vee 2020 - © Jens Pepper

Vee, 2020 / Portrait  photography by Photographer Jens Pepper ★8 | STRKNG

Vee, 2020 - © Jens Pepper

2020-05-26 01:11 

Fotoszene Berlin: Thomas Berlin interviewt mich

Anlässlich des Erscheinens meines letzten Buchs hat mich der in Frankfurt am Main lebende Fotograf Thomas Berlin (sic) für seinen Blog interviewt; Thema ist die Fotoszene meiner Heimatstadt Berlin. Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Past Events

Archive 10.07.2019

Pepper's Photo Chat Live #18  

Gäste: Alexander Platz, Oliver S. Scholten

Wednesday, 2019-07-10 19:30h - 22:30h

Barbiche, Potsdamer Straße 151, Berlin

Germany / Europe

Die Fotografen Alexander Platz und Oliver S. Scholten werden meine Gäste beim 18. Photo Chat Live sein. Dieses Mal werden wir nicht primär ein fotografisches Werk ins Zentrum unseres Gesprächs stellen, sondern den Beruf des Fotografen, insbesondere die Chancen, die Quereinsteiger hier haben. Alexander Platz ist so ein Quereinsteiger und hat viel zu diesem Thema zu berichten, ebenso wie Oliver S. Scholten, der seit drei Jahrzehnten auch als Dozent für Fotografie wirkt und in dieser Funktion viele Berufsneulinge beim Erreichen ihrer Ziele begleitet hat.
Wie immer ist der Besuch des Chats kostenlos.
(Veranstaltungsfoto: Rainer Stosberg)

Veranstaltung eingetragen von Jens Pepper / 2019-07-08 12:01:44

Link: Wednesday, 2019-07-10 19:30h - 22:30h / Pepper's Photo Chat Live #18| Gäste: Alexander Platz, Oliver S. Scholten

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Jens Pepper


I am a curator, photographer and author (writing about photo subjects) based in Berlin. My articles appear in PHOTONEWS and brennpunkt. Interviews I do you may find on, in magazines and books. My newest book is "Fotoszene Berlin" (KLAK-Verlag). Currently I working on my second book about the Polish photo scene. In summer 2021 I curate an exhibition about the Polish photo scene for ZAK - Zentrum für Aktuelle Kunst / Zitadelle Spandau in Berlin, together with Grazyna Siedlecka.

As a photographer I focus on nude and erotic photography. My first book "Snapshot Beauties" (2014) is still available at konkursbuchverlag Claudia Gehrke, Tübingen. My catalogue "Bloom of Youth 2" (Edition Carpentier Berlin) is sold out. I am working on a book with photos I did and still do with Berlin based model Vee.

Sometimes I also do classical portraits and documentary photography.

The portrait photo of mine was made by Jan Sobottka, Berlin in 2016 (

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