- Portfolio / Fotografin CREMADECREMA
- 2019-04-14T09:12:37+02:00
- 2019-04-14T09:12:37+02:00
Mora Kirchner (‘Mora’ for the letters of ‘love’ -amor- in Spanish). Like “crème de la crème” but from a third world country. Cream, also as the grease part of milk. In Argentina when you call something or someone “grease” (grasa) refers to being tacky or of bad taste. That is CREMADECREMA: the best of the best of me, but also my most unbearable and “grasa” side.
A ’90s baby, born and raised in the mountains of Argentina, now based in Berlin. Professional photographer, digital collage artist, visual artist, part time writer, constantly mutating.
I live life in general from an overly emotional and surreal point of view. I constantly feel I am living in-between worlds; the real world cities belong to, and my magical, surreal, twisted and fun inner world. I am a very socially anxious person, and I found the best way to coexist in a healthy way in modern society is by creating (visual) art. It started with digital collages, then I started to make digital interventions on my photographs with provoked glitch technique, and I find myself currently experimenting with mixed media art pieces. My art is a constant representation of myself as an Alice in Wonderland in different cities of the world, and I connect with reality through it. Almost all the time I feel overwhelmed by my own feelings; my art is my way to heal an existential wound.