Michaela (s. more images in blog post) / Portrait  photography by Photographer constantYearing ★5 | STRKNG

Michaela (s. more images in blog post) - © constantYearing

Julia / Nude  photography by Photographer constantYearing ★5 | STRKNG

Julia - © constantYearing

The Color of Passion / Fashion / Beauty  photography by Photographer constantYearing ★5 | STRKNG

The Color of Passion - © constantYearing

Hi there! / Portrait  photography by Photographer constantYearing ★5 | STRKNG

Hi there! - © constantYearing

Sundays at the DIY Store (see Blog entry for more photos) / Fashion / Beauty  photography by Photographer constantYearing ★5 | STRKNG

Sundays at the DIY Store (see Blog entry for more photos) - © constantYearing

Heating it up (more images of Stefani in the blog) / Nude  photography by Photographer constantYearing ★5 | STRKNG

Heating it up (more images of Stefani in the blog) - © constantYearing

Anticipation / Fine Art  photography by Photographer constantYearing ★5 | STRKNG

Anticipation - © constantYearing

The Saddest Girl on Earth / Fashion / Beauty  photography by Photographer constantYearing ★5 | STRKNG

The Saddest Girl on Earth - © constantYearing

2020-08-17 17:39 
The Saddest Girl on Earth / Mode / Beauty / nude,lingerie,moody,hotel,sad
The Saddest Girl on Earth

Observation on The Saddest Girl on Earth

Writing here is a bit like diary-writing. It's more reflexive than posting stuff in a blog, because you never know if anyone reads your thoughts. I'll pour them out anyways:

There's one image I made that really grew dear to me, but it just got one tiny single like. And I wonder why so. This photo is definitely not meant to be sexy or erotic, even if it is obviously revealing. I'll tell you what I like about it.

I think the colors are really nice and create that beautiful contrast out of the strong red lingerie and the muted greenish-yellow background.
The scarce unadorned hotel room plays perfectly together with that sad skeptic but open look of the model. She's posing in vulnerable way, but you can guess this woman is not a victim. The slight blur even adds to that.
And, then, the light in my opinion is beautiful. I used ambient light supported by a tiny hint of flash. So the body is drawn perfectly, just a few reflections on camera right.
What shall I say: I really like the picture.

(This is not meant to draw more likes to the image. I just wanted share my thoughts.)



It's time to turn towards the real human beings and leave the glossy crap behind.