Photographer male / 52
dreaming and bondage / Fine Art  photography by Photographer BeHa_ART_Photography ★3 | STRKNG

dreaming and bondage - © BeHa_ART_Photography

im tunnel / Fine Art  photography by Photographer BeHa_ART_Photography ★3 | STRKNG

im tunnel - © BeHa_ART_Photography

„shoes / belt / gloves“ / Fine Art  photography by Photographer BeHa_ART_Photography ★3 | STRKNG

„shoes / belt / gloves“ - © BeHa_ART_Photography

thinking of you / Fine Art  photography by Photographer BeHa_ART_Photography ★3 | STRKNG

thinking of you - © BeHa_ART_Photography

waiting for you / Fine Art  photography by Photographer BeHa_ART_Photography ★3 | STRKNG

waiting for you - © BeHa_ART_Photography

miss you / Fine Art  photography by Photographer BeHa_ART_Photography ★3 | STRKNG

miss you - © BeHa_ART_Photography

the morning was rainy. the sun on the horizon. silence ... / Fine Art  photography by Photographer BeHa_ART_Photography ★3 | STRKNG

the morning was rainy. the sun on the horizon. silence ... - © BeHa_ART_Photography

in 30 seconds / Fine Art  photography by Photographer BeHa_ART_Photography ★3 | STRKNG

in 30 seconds - © BeHa_ART_Photography

MAKE A BREAK / Fine Art  photography by Photographer BeHa_ART_Photography ★3 | STRKNG

MAKE A BREAK - © BeHa_ART_Photography

2019-04-14 19:02 
she was still there, everyone else was leaving... / Lost places
she was still there, everyone else was leaving...
she was still there, everyone else was leaving... / Lost places
she was still there, everyone else was leaving...
she was still there, everyone else was leaving... / Lost places
she was still there, everyone else was leaving...
she was still there, everyone else was leaving... / Lost places
she was still there, everyone else was leaving...
Participants: Model mahamaya

she was still there, everyone else was leaving...

zum Sonntag noch meine neue Serie - "she was still there, everyone else was leaving..."
Entstanden in einem wunderbaren Lost Place, es war kalt, dennoch so zauberhaft schön... mystisch, geisterhaft, leise und zart.
Fotografie aus der Serie

"she was still there, everyone else was leaving“

***Danke für das wunderbare Shooting!
*** Thanks for the great shooting!

T: 2019
L: Lost Place

#beha_art_photography #photomodel #photoshooting #travelinggirl #travelingmodel #sexymodels #modelontour #modelsoninstagram #sexy #blackandwhite #photography #ilovemyjob #followme #follow #bookme #fotoshooting #nodessous #nodress #look #instalike #photooftheday #instago #all_shots #amazing #TFLlers #lostplaces #darkhair


STRKNG participants of portfolio images


I'm looking!

How it all started:
It was in the wonderful month of May 1972, when I saw the first light in my life. It was also loud, hectic and very bright! Headlight-like, I was flashed directly into my sensitive eyes. In my opinion, it must have been this moment that told me, "... turn off the lightning! Therefore, I love to work in natural light with artistically photography.

To me:
In the middle of life, I know what's important and live for it! I have 3 children and give you every minute of free time! ... to my dear kids: "Love You so much! You 3 are the most important thing in my life! You are MY LIFE!"

For several years I have been engaged in artistic photography, which has become more and more a passion step by step. Skillfully putting people in the scene and thus stimulating the head cinema of the beholder is my mission! When I work, I implement my ideas! Ideas are abundant and there are always new ones added. I take inspiration for upcoming photo projects from the ever-changing environment. Therefore, I decide which person is suitable for which idea.

You are welcome to contact me and we have a phone call to meet us. But: I want to get to know you exactly! Because I want to see and recognize who you are and which project suits you. I myself very relaxed, more than 100% detail-loving in my job and I would say perfectionist.

Region: Leipzig / Germany / Worldwide
Set: Accessories for various projects available or are being organized
Mask: professional make-up artist / stylist for the shoot available

Best regards,

F I N E - A R T - P H O T O G R A P H Y
COPYRIGHT © BeHa_ART_Photography

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