just hang out / Nude  photography by Photographer Andy Mock | STRKNG

just hang out - © Andy Mock

A penny for your thoughts / Nude  photography by Photographer Andy Mock | STRKNG

A penny for your thoughts - © Andy Mock

Is it a dream? / Nude  photography by Photographer Andy Mock | STRKNG

Is it a dream? - © Andy Mock

dirty but pretty / Portrait  photography by Photographer Andy Mock | STRKNG

dirty but pretty - © Andy Mock

thinking about. / Nude  photography by Photographer Andy Mock | STRKNG

thinking about. - © Andy Mock

mind and mirror / Portrait  photography by Photographer Andy Mock | STRKNG

mind and mirror - © Andy Mock

On the way to the seventh heaven... / Wedding  photography by Photographer Andy Mock | STRKNG

On the way to the seventh heaven... - © Andy Mock

Wheat and love / Wedding  photography by Photographer Andy Mock | STRKNG

Wheat and love - © Andy Mock

She wants, he wants... and I also want... to capture these special moments... for you, for your loved ones and all with whom you want to share these moments of happiness and love...

Sie will, er will... und auch ich will... diese besonderen Momente festhalten... für Euch, für Eure Lieben und alle, mit denen Ihr diese Momente des Glücks und der Liebe teilen wollt...
2022-04-24 13:30 
ready for the flash / Konzeptionell
ready for the flash
Gymnastics / Konzeptionell
no way out / Konzeptionell
no way out
Provocative / Konzeptionell
I am so free / Konzeptionell
I am so free
what do you mean? / Konzeptionell
what do you mean?

The weight of light on a body

Nothing but a chair and a model... plus the abundance of brightness.... and the absence of color

Andy Mock


I like taking pictures... people and moments... not my profession, but my vocation... I like the creative cooperation, I'm happy about every shooting with new and old hands... I'm very ambitious to make good things better and better... without forgetting the fun and the laughter...

Ich fotografiere gerne... Menschen und Momente... nicht mein Beruf, aber doch meine Berufung... Ich mag die kreative Zusammenarbeit, freue mich über jedes Shooting mit neuen und alten Hasen... Ich bin mit großem Ehrgeiz dabei, Gutes immer besser zu machen... ohne dabei den Spaß und das Lachen zu vergessen...

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