Model männlich / 34
feminine masculinity / Nude  Fotografie von Model Sebastian Löwe ★4 | STRKNG

feminine masculinity - © Sebastian Löwe
Maria Leibnitz

mit Geweih / Fine Art  Fotografie von Model Sebastian Löwe ★4 | STRKNG

mit Geweih - © Sebastian Löwe
Maria Vaorin

  • Portfolio / Model Sebastian Löwe
  • 2023-04-02T11:14:07+02:00
  • 2023-04-02T11:14:07+02:00
  • Model Sebastian Löwe
13.08.2020 11:46 

Corona brought me to shooting selfs

When the Corona crisis hit Germany I was "in between flats".
Knowing when I needed to leave my current on, not having found a new one yet.
And when shit hits the fan it is great to have parents. So I moved to my parents for an undefined period of time.
Nice house, small town, no friends and the high discouragement to make new ones.

So what to do to keep me busy. Besides working, watching Netflix and spend time with my parents.
As I missed shootings quite much I eventually started doing selfies.

Since then, I am a bit hooked by it. Learning how to take photos and that with the easiest available model. Fortunately I am always around.
Now on my mission to get a proper camera as my phones images are nice - but just if I don't want to crop or doing anything else with the pictures than putting them on instagram.

Sebastian Löwe

STRKNG Teilnehmer der Portfolio-Bilder


Größe (cm)
Gewicht (kg)
40-42 XS
Körpermaße BxWxT (cm)
40 x 40 x 40
Hair/Makeup, Bodypaint, Nude, Portrait

Gentle soul expressing itself through art.
Open for projects.
Preferable shoots that explore new ways.
You might notice that a lot of my pictures are exploring the middle ground between masculinity and femininity, which is an exciting area to explore. I see a lot of binary stereotypes also in the photo community. I want to support breaking this up.
I am also very interested to explore the space around the ordinary, tapping into absurdity or discomfort.

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