Fotografin weiblich
Self portrait; always distracted by light / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotografin Eliza Loveheart ★14 | STRKNG

Self portrait; always distracted by light - © Eliza Loveheart

Time to hang this one up / Nude  Fotografie von Fotografin Eliza Loveheart ★14 | STRKNG

Time to hang this one up - © Eliza Loveheart
Eliza Loveheart

Wonky Mondrian. / Nude  Fotografie von Fotografin Eliza Loveheart ★14 | STRKNG

Wonky Mondrian. - © Eliza Loveheart
Self portrait

Tales from the woodshed. / Nude  Fotografie von Fotografin Eliza Loveheart ★14 | STRKNG

Tales from the woodshed. - © Eliza Loveheart
Self portrait

Bathtub anomaly. / Nude  Fotografie von Fotografin Eliza Loveheart ★14 | STRKNG

Bathtub anomaly. - © Eliza Loveheart
Self portrait

There will always be ribbons and dancing. / Nude  Fotografie von Fotografin Eliza Loveheart ★14 | STRKNG

There will always be ribbons and dancing. - © Eliza Loveheart
Self portrait

Homage. / Nude  Fotografie von Fotografin Eliza Loveheart ★14 | STRKNG

Homage. - © Eliza Loveheart
Self portrait

Self portrait (in-camera double exposure) / Nude  Fotografie von Fotografin Eliza Loveheart ★14 | STRKNG

Self portrait (in-camera double exposure) - © Eliza Loveheart

Alignment. / Nude  Fotografie von Fotografin Eliza Loveheart ★14 | STRKNG

Alignment. - © Eliza Loveheart
Self portrait

28.06.2020 13:08 

Recent (unedited) work.

A minimalistic, simple study of skin in pure natural light. Self portraits.

Eliza Loveheart


Self portrait artist (in the loosest sense of the word 'artist'). Duckface not an option.

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