Fotograf männlich / 64
Getting ready for him... / Nude  Fotografie von Fotograf ugo grandolini ★8 | STRKNG

Getting ready for him... - © ugo grandolini

I dream about you... / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf ugo grandolini ★8 | STRKNG

I dream about you... - © ugo grandolini

Emily / Nude  Fotografie von Fotograf ugo grandolini ★8 | STRKNG

Emily - © ugo grandolini

Paulita / Portrait  Fotografie von Fotograf ugo grandolini ★8 | STRKNG

Paulita - © ugo grandolini

Ghost Town #1 / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf ugo grandolini ★8 | STRKNG

Ghost Town #1 - © ugo grandolini

I dream of a better world / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf ugo grandolini ★8 | STRKNG

I dream of a better world - © ugo grandolini

Imprisoned / Portrait  Fotografie von Fotograf ugo grandolini ★8 | STRKNG

Imprisoned - © ugo grandolini

Just another way to hurt myself / Portrait  Fotografie von Fotograf ugo grandolini ★8 | STRKNG

Just another way to hurt myself - © ugo grandolini

17.10.2024 08:31 

Exhibiting in Milan on 19/20 October

These and other products directly from my studio, come and see them live on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 October in Milan, via Tortona 7, from 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Vergangene Veranstaltungen

Archiv 27.05.2020

First shooting after the COVID-19 quarantine  

Mittwoch, 27.05.2020 10:00h - 18:00h

Como, Italy

Italien / Europa

After my last shooting at the beginning of March with Sara (some images somewhere in this article) I took this period to go trough many shootings I did since last autumn and prepared some post-production images that I' now publishing on my web site, instagram and, of course, here on STRKNG.

It was a moment to think about what direction to move in the future and so many good things happened; soon I will be represented by a gallery in Milan and I also started to sell some images of my dolls on auction sites.

I'm so happy it is now time to start create some new images.

Veranstaltung eingetragen von ugo grandolini / 2020-05-23 11:58:12

Link: Mittwoch, 27.05.2020 10:00h - 18:00h / First shooting after the COVID-19 quarantine

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Archiv 12.10.2019

Tribu' Ca'Dura  

The third time I'm showing some of my images this year!

Samstag, 12.10.2019 09:30h - Donnerstag, 31.10.2019 09:30h

Via Balla 6, Villafranca Padovana

Italien / Europa

Located in a 1800 villa, in north east Italy, this is the first exhibition of a newly created art association "Associazione Culturale CA'DURA".

You will be able to enjoy several kind of art, pairings, sculpture, ceramic and – of course – some great photography.

Showing a couple of my images, this is the third time this year I'm showing some of my images in an exhibition.

Veranstaltung eingetragen von ugo grandolini / 2019-10-12 09:47:56

Link: Samstag, 12.10.2019 09:30h - Donnerstag, 31.10.2019 09:30h / Tribu' Ca'Dura| The third time I'm showing some of my images this year!

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Archiv 19.09.2019

Como nel quadrato  

Como in the square

Donnerstag, 19.09.2019 16:45h - Samstag, 12.10.2019 16:45h


Italien / Europa

My first personal exhibition is dedicated to my home town: Como (Italy).

A serie of 30 images, all squared and mostly in black & white where I show some details of the city thought my romantic and, sometimes, provocative point of view.

The exhibition is taking place at "Il Cortiletto", one of the most frequented cocktails bars in Como.

Veranstaltung eingetragen von ugo grandolini / 2019-09-14 16:59:37

Link: Donnerstag, 19.09.2019 16:45h - Samstag, 12.10.2019 16:45h / Como nel quadrato| Como in the square

Decency girls on top of the Cathedral / Architecture / church,monochrome,statue
Decency girls on top of the Cathedral
Tower of light / Abstract / monochrome,street
Tower of light
Exterior beauty / Street / monochrome,night,woman,eye,advertisement
Exterior beauty
IOgging / Street / monochrome,night,running,man,dark,walk,shadows
PungiCIELO / Architecture / monochrome,sky,building
Intergalactic relations / Architecture / monochrome,church,house,building,statue
Intergalactic relations
Up & Down / Street / monochrome,stairs,lake,water,pole
Up & Down
Holy Trinity / Street / monochrome,street,window,tree,shadow
Holy Trinity
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Archiv 25.08.2019


Art exhibition in Venice

Sonntag, 25.08.2019 11:30h - Samstag, 14.09.2019 11:30h

Villa Merati, Cannaregio 6293a, 30121 Venezia, Italy

Italien / Europa


I will exhibit for the first time in Venice during the Biennale and will shoot a live performance while a model will be body-painted by one of the participating artists (about 40 artists from different countries) – we will shoot together a series of images during the performance which will be held simultaneously with the inauguration of the exhibitions.

Palazzo Merati was the residence of Giacomo Casanova, a famous italian "playboy" of the 18th Century.

Hope to see you in Venice!

P.S. I'm looking for models for to shoot the performance that will take place on: August 31st, September 7th and October 5th 2019. If you are interested in participating the performance as a model or if you need more information about the shooting please get in touch as soon as possible through my Instagram (@ugrandolini).

Veranstaltung eingetragen von ugo grandolini / 2019-07-24 11:57:03

Link: Sonntag, 25.08.2019 11:30h - Samstag, 14.09.2019 11:30h / SYMPHONIE DE COULEURS III – BETWEEN THE DEVIL & THE DEEP BLUE LAGOON (25/08~30/10 2019)| Art exhibition in Venice

Casanova bedroom at Palazzo Merati, Venice / Interior
Casanova bedroom at Palazzo Merati, Venice
Mood for the live performance / Nude
Mood for the live performance
The image that will be shown – 150x100 cm / Nude
The image that will be shown – 150x100 cm
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ugo grandolini


Self-taught — I started my journey into the world of photography in 2017, since then I dedicate over 90% of my time to this artistic discipline. From training to organising sessions lasting several days during which we create images together with muses from all over the world.

In 2019, thirty images are exhibited at Cortiletto, one of the trendiest venues in Como: a success that has since become a permanent exhibition.

From 2020, my images are published in several international magazines including ‘NUDE Magazine’ and ‘NORMAL Magazine’.

In 2021 the ‘Nudeartzine’ project started, giving me the opportunity to publish more than 30 books by international artists, each with their own vision of the nude.

As of 2022, I was published and received several awards on the prestigious

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