Ou-Topòs / Dokumentation  Fotografie von Fotograf Timo ★2 | STRKNG

Ou-Topòs - © Timo

Hoher Besuch / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf Timo ★2 | STRKNG

Hoher Besuch - © Timo

16 Years / Dokumentation  Fotografie von Fotograf Timo ★2 | STRKNG

16 Years - © Timo

Sister / Portrait  Fotografie von Fotograf Timo ★2 | STRKNG

Sister - © Timo

  • Portfolio / Fotograf Timo
  • 2020-10-30T20:38:42+01:00
  • 2020-10-30T20:38:42+01:00
  • Fotograf Timo


  • Info Fotograf Timo
  • 2020-10-30T20:38:42+01:00
  • 2020-10-30T20:38:42+01:00
  • Fotograf Timo

Doing photography in Hamburg Germany. Interested in social movements. Free spaces such as district collectives, art collectives and political collectives.

Mostly doing analog work but i am often lazy. So a lot of my stuff is digital as well.

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