Copy Me - © Ralf Scherer
Achim Katzberg

Italian Ladies - © Ralf Scherer

Elemental Power - © Ralf Scherer
Copy Me - © Ralf Scherer
Achim Katzberg
Italian Ladies - © Ralf Scherer
Elemental Power - © Ralf Scherer
I have been making permanent exhibitions with my photography for years now. Many people have passed by my pictures so far. They mostly hang in hospitals or public areas. 
The visitors try to read my pictures. But I am not sure if my message always gets through. I am also not always on site to answer questions. At least once during an exhibition I offer a guided tour. People can ask me about the pictures and I tell them the story of how they came into being.
The story behind the photos is told by the artist himself.
This picture here is a good example that raises many questions. With this photo I am almost always asked if the scene is set. I had now developed the idea to stick a QR code next to the pictures. You can scan it with your smartphone and it will lead to an audio file. There you hear the artist himself telling the story about the picture. A modern audio guide. Currently I show the photos in two exhibitions. In the Marien-Hospital Witten (ground floor vascular surgery/cardiology) and in the Johannes Hospital Dortmund (central emergency room)
Here is a sound file example
VHS Unna
Nordrhein-Westfalen / Deutschland / Europa
Ein intensiver Workshop zum Thema Street Photography
9.10.2019 Einführungsabend ca 19-21 Uhr
Geschichte, Equipment, Menschen....
12.10.2019 Exkursion in Dortmund
10-16 Uhr gemeinsamer Fotowalk
16.10.2019 Reflexion19-21 Uhr
Der Workshop ist für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene geeignet.
Voraussetzung ist eine eigene Kamera
For me street photography is much more than taking pictures.
It’s a very personal journey about life, humans, love, peace and art.
All you need is love -John Lennon 1967