Fotograf männlich / 52
LA CASA DEL ÁRBOL / Natur  Fotografie von Fotograf Rafa Macías (Oroyplata) ★5 | STRKNG

LA CASA DEL ÁRBOL - © Rafa Macías (Oroyplata)

THE BEAST / Kreativ  Fotografie von Fotograf Rafa Macías (Oroyplata) ★5 | STRKNG

THE BEAST - © Rafa Macías (Oroyplata)

The meat designer / Konzeptionell  Fotografie von Fotograf Rafa Macías (Oroyplata) ★5 | STRKNG

The meat designer - © Rafa Macías (Oroyplata)

Hello, I´m Rafa Macías from Valencia, Spain.

I´m a conceptual Spanish photographer.

My photography career started by accident, when my wife gave my first reflex camera a few years ago, I was then that i discovered a new and unknown world and fell in love with photography.

I try to create an image in which he can feel identified with and bring a concept across, at the same time looking for harmony and beauty.

I love beauty, the unreal, concepts, harmony, darkness- I love photography.

Personally, I opt for conceptual photography, although I love to achieve both things in
the same image

I try to do is to transmit a concept with an image and to do so he uses a very
careful editing process. In your style I take on the conceptual looking for the unreal.

The most important for me on a image is the idea and the light as the main element, and the importance of post
production .
I have also won several photo competitions in photography websites and have exhibited photos of me in several group exhibitions, and a photo of me was exhibited for a month at the Muse de Arte in Durango, Spain.
I usually work with lens 50, 1.8 and 85, 1.8 and trypod, I hard work on the postproduction and edition about the image, for me is very important a creative edition.

A hug.

Rafa. ;)

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