Fotograf männlich
Lara by Pixelhunter / Portrait  Fotografie von Fotograf Pixelhunter ★7 | STRKNG

Lara by Pixelhunter - © Pixelhunter

Lara by Pixelhunter / Portrait  Fotografie von Fotograf Pixelhunter ★7 | STRKNG

Lara by Pixelhunter - © Pixelhunter
Lara Meister

Lara by Pixelhunter / Portrait  Fotografie von Fotograf Pixelhunter ★7 | STRKNG

Lara by Pixelhunter - © Pixelhunter
Lara Meister

Carlotta by Pixelhunter / Portrait  Fotografie von Fotograf Pixelhunter ★7 | STRKNG

Carlotta by Pixelhunter - © Pixelhunter

Carlotta by Pixelhunter / Portrait  Fotografie von Fotograf Pixelhunter ★7 | STRKNG

Carlotta by Pixelhunter - © Pixelhunter

Marie by Pixelhunter / Portrait  Fotografie von Fotograf Pixelhunter ★7 | STRKNG

Marie by Pixelhunter - © Pixelhunter

Lara by Pixelhunter / Portrait  Fotografie von Fotograf Pixelhunter ★7 | STRKNG

Lara by Pixelhunter - © Pixelhunter

Lara by Pixelhunter / Portrait  Fotografie von Fotograf Pixelhunter ★7 | STRKNG

Lara by Pixelhunter - © Pixelhunter

Yen by Pixelhunter / Portrait  Fotografie von Fotograf Pixelhunter ★7 | STRKNG

Yen by Pixelhunter - © Pixelhunter

17.08.2023 15:50 
Carlotta by Pixelhunter / Portrait / girl,female,portrait,monochrome,photography,pixelhunter
Carlotta by Pixelhunter
Carlotta by Pixelhunter / Portrait / woman,girl,portrait,pixelhunter,monochrome,beauty
Carlotta by Pixelhunter
Carlotta by Pixelhunter / Portrait / girl,woman,portrait,beauty,pixelhunter,naturallight
Carlotta by Pixelhunter
Carlotta by Pixelhunter / Portrait / portrait,portraitphotography,pixelhunter,monochrome,beauty,fashion
Carlotta by Pixelhunter

Carlotta by Pixlhunter

Available lights only.
Some windows are enough to moody pictures

28.06.2023 10:08 
Lara by Pixelhunter / Portrait / girl,woman,style,monochrome,pixelhunter,bnw,portrait,fashion,photography
Lara by Pixelhunter
Lara by Pixelhunter / Portrait / monochrome,beauty,portrait,woman,female,pixelhunter,style,bnw,noiretblanc
Lara by Pixelhunter
Lara by Pixelhunter / Portrait / woman,style,portrait,female,photography,pixelhunter,model,beauty,fashion
Lara by Pixelhunter
Lara by Pixelhunter / Portrait / photography,portrait,fashion,noiretblanc,pixelhunter,monochrome,bnw,beauty
Lara by Pixelhunter

Lara by Pixelhunter

Make it simple.
I work with fixed focus lenses and with available light.
This series was captured in a flat without any additional light.
Keep it as simple as possible.

15.11.2022 17:50 
Carlotta by Pixelhunter / Portrait
Carlotta by Pixelhunter
Carlotta by Pixelhunter / Portrait
Carlotta by Pixelhunter
Carlotta by Pixelhunter / Portrait
Carlotta by Pixelhunter
Carlotta by Pixelhunter / Portrait
Carlotta by Pixelhunter
Carlotta by Pixelhunter / Portrait
Carlotta by Pixelhunter
Carlotta by Pixelhunter / Portrait
Carlotta by Pixelhunter

Carlotta by Pixelhunter

A young talent with a very natural attitude.
Garden session with available light only.
No make up, no big scenery. Just a beautiful young woman.
It's always a pleasure to start cooperation with unexperienced but talented woman.

17.10.2022 16:19 
Etta by Pixelhunter / Portrait / female,portrait,woman,style,fashion,monochrome,bnw,Pixelhunter,oudoor,Nikon,blackandwhitephotography
Etta by Pixelhunter
Etta by Pixelhunter / Portrait / female,woman,summer,outdoor,monochrome,bnw,Pixelhunter,Nikon,portrait,portraitphotography,noiretblanc,Kassel
Etta by Pixelhunter
Etta by Pixelhunter / Portrait / Schwarzweiß,portrait,bnw,monochrome,photographer,pixelhunter,nikon,woman,female,fashion,bedroom,beauty,bnwphotography
Etta by Pixelhunter
Etta by Pixelhunter / Portrait / bnw,beauty,bnwphotography,blackandwhitephotography,pixelhunter,portrait,photographer,photography,woman,blackwhite
Etta by Pixelhunter
Etta by Pixelhunter / Portrait / bnw,photographer,model,beauty,bnwportrait,portrait,portraitphotography,availablelight,Nikon,Pixelhunter,female,femaleportrait
Etta by Pixelhunter
Etta by Pixelhunter / Portrait / girl,female,woman,bnw,bnwportrait,portraitphotography,Nikon,Pixelhunter,fineart,fineartportrait
Etta by Pixelhunter

Dedicated to Etta - new talent

Mind changing photography
Natürliches Licht!
Damit arbeite ich gerne und häufig, dazu die Entwicklung der Bilder in SW machen meine Arbeiten zu etwas Reduziertem. Kein Inszenierung über die Darstellung der Person hinaus .
Der Fokus auf dem Menschen, auf der Ästhetik von Frauen.

13.09.2022 16:33 
Lara by Pixelhunter / Portrait / female,girl,naturalbeauty,portrait,monochrome,bnw,noiretblanc,casual,photography,Pixelhunter
Lara by Pixelhunter
Lara by Pixelhunter / Portrait / summer,portrait,beauty,female,naturalbeauty,photography
Lara by Pixelhunter
Lara by Pixelhunter / Portrait / girl,female,woman,portrait,casual,Pixelhunter
Lara by Pixelhunter
Lara by Pixelhunter / Portrait / female,femaleportrait,beauty,casual,monochrome
Lara by Pixelhunter
Lara by Pixelhunter / Portrait / femaleportrait,summer,casual,bnw,noiretblanc
Lara by Pixelhunter
Lara by Pixelhunter / Portrait / woman,female,portrait,beauty,casual,photography
Lara by Pixelhunter
Lara by Pixelhunter / Portrait
Lara by Pixelhunter

Lara by Pixelhunter

Second session with a new talent. Her approach is amazing and she has a special natural beauty.
I like to reduce my sets to a minimum and focus on the person in front of my camera.
At the end I love to work with girls next door so that we can capture real moods.
And I'm looking always for new cooperations.



Photographer by passion. Girls, portraiture, fashion, nudes.
My main focus is to capture real humans and souls. No big scenes as natural as possible.
Based near Kassel/Germany.
For cooperations or rates contact me.

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