Fotograf männlich
Canalettos Dream / Nude  Fotografie von Fotograf PHOVIS ★2 | STRKNG

Canalettos Dream - © PHOVIS

Neue Galerie: flugtag / Nude  Fotografie von Fotograf PHOVIS ★2 | STRKNG

Neue Galerie: flugtag - © PHOVIS

laserpaint I / Nude  Fotografie von Fotograf PHOVIS ★2 | STRKNG

laserpaint I - © PHOVIS

eternal / Nude  Fotografie von Fotograf PHOVIS ★2 | STRKNG

eternal - © PHOVIS

pole spin / Nude  Fotografie von Fotograf PHOVIS ★2 | STRKNG

pole spin - © PHOVIS

Weinprinzessin / Nude  Fotografie von Fotograf PHOVIS ★2 | STRKNG

Weinprinzessin - © PHOVIS

  • Portfolio / Fotograf PHOVIS
  • 2024-09-27T14:26:15+02:00
  • 2024-09-27T14:26:15+02:00
  • Fotograf PHOVIS
17.10.2019 19:03 

beyond light

Inspired by the Brücke artists i went to places around Dresden to take photographs of beautiful woman. I utilised the invisible infrared light spectrum that captures the heat of an object and gave the skin chinalike appearance ...well Meißen is not far away!
(All photographs are shot with an SIGMA SD14 with a 780nm filter and removed Infrared blocker in front of the sensor)

16.05.2019 18:03 
"move" inspired by Matthias Schneege and Butow Romey
"move" inspired by Matthias Schneege and Butow Romey
"mirror" inspired by Anna Försterling / Nude
"mirror" inspired by Anna Försterling
"unhide" inspired by Astrid Susanna Schulz / Nude
"unhide" inspired by Astrid Susanna Schulz

Intervention: „reality check“ at AKT2019!

The "Dresden forum for contemporary photography" staged an exhibition of nude photography at the Art Venue blaueFABRIK throughout the month of April. Works of 4 STRKNG photographers were accompanied by an satellite exhibition of PORTRAITS Hellerau Photograph Award. More Photographers were invited to an Open-Art-Space over the Easter weekend to create original artworks, that is inspired by the exhibition. I invited a pole dancer as my model for that occasion. During the weekend we created three series called Reality Check I-III, that were on display at the closing day of the exhibition:
I - interprets the pictures on the galery walls
II - uses traditional medium format photography on expired film as a contrast to high definition digital production
III - the pole dance live session makes use of the stage- and strobe lights of this original music venue.

Vergangene Veranstaltungen

Archiv 21.05.2020

Workshop Analoge Studiofotografie + Lost Places  

Donnerstag, 21.05.2020 11:00h - Freitag, 22.05.2020 19:00h


Sachsen / Deutschland / Europa

Zum Abschluss der Ausstellung #naked verwandelt sich ein Teil des Projektraums der blauen Fabrik in ein fotografisches Experimentierfeld. In einem mobilen Fotostudio und der spannenden Umgebung der blauen Fabrik können verschiedene Techniken aus der Wokshopliste erprobt und in eigenen Projekten umgesetzt werden. Meldet Euch gern vorher per PN bei mir, damit die gewünschte Technik dann auch zur Verfügung steht. Der Workshop ist nicht kommerziell, jedoch sind Spenden für Material und den gastgebenden Verein willkommen.

Veranstaltung eingetragen von PHOVIS / 2020-05-13 12:39:16

Link: Donnerstag, 21.05.2020 11:00h - Freitag, 22.05.2020 19:00h / Workshop Analoge Studiofotografie + Lost Places

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  • Info Fotograf PHOVIS
  • 2024-09-27T14:26:15+02:00
  • 2024-09-27T14:26:15+02:00
  • Fotograf PHOVIS

I pursue photography already for some years. (Got a GCA A-Level in 1994) Sometimes more sometimes less. I work mostly analog with special vintage printing technologies and blog on them. If required I use digital equipement (SIGMA & Nikon DSLR) too. For indoor work i share a concept space in Dresden-Industriegelände. I am a member of Forum für Zeitgenössische Fotografie Dresden and curate one exhibition per year at Dresdens artspace blaueFABRIK. Enjoy the galleries on this page.

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