

Europa / Italien / Caserta

Fotograf männlich
Interior_02 / Interior  Fotografie von Fotograf marioferrara ★1 | STRKNG

Interior_02 - © marioferrara

Interior_03 / Interior  Fotografie von Fotograf marioferrara ★1 | STRKNG

Interior_03 - © marioferrara

Interior_05 / Interior  Fotografie von Fotograf marioferrara ★1 | STRKNG

Interior_05 - © marioferrara

Interior_06 / Interior  Fotografie von Fotograf marioferrara ★1 | STRKNG

Interior_06 - © marioferrara

Interior_07 / Interior  Fotografie von Fotograf marioferrara ★1 | STRKNG

Interior_07 - © marioferrara

Interior_01 / Interior  Fotografie von Fotograf marioferrara ★1 | STRKNG

Interior_01 - © marioferrara

Interior_04 / Interior  Fotografie von Fotograf marioferrara ★1 | STRKNG

Interior_04 - © marioferrara

Interior_08 / Interior  Fotografie von Fotograf marioferrara ★1 | STRKNG

Interior_08 - © marioferrara

Interior_09 / Interior  Fotografie von Fotograf marioferrara ★1 | STRKNG

Interior_09 - © marioferrara


Born in Caserta in 1972. He graduated in architecture, architectural photographer. Master Level II: The photographic representation of architecture and the environment, obtained at the La Sapienza University in Rome. He teaches photography at public and private facilities. To his credit numerous publications and exhibitions. He has taught architectural photography at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples. In 2008 he photographed seven Italian cities for Deutsche Bank. Since 2011, it is among the speakers Photoarchitetti, itinerant event dedicated to the theory and technique in architecture. In 2013 he created a photographic campaign, on behalf of the CEI, the Italian churches of contemporary architecture, with the images on display at the museum MAXXI in Rome.
In 2014 he exhibited at the museum MACRO in Rome as part of an art event organized by Deutsche Bank.
In 2015 he participated in "Mediterranean: Photographs of land and sea" with a solo exhibition in Venice; Camerino MC, part of the XXV Seminar of Architecture and Urban Culture; Bari as part of the Museum Photo Festival.

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