Vertigo / Mode / Beauty  Fotografie von Fotograf Frank Bayh & Steff Ochs ★6 | STRKNG

Vertigo - © Frank Bayh & Steff Ochs

Faster, harder, louder #1 / Mode / Beauty  Fotografie von Fotograf Frank Bayh & Steff Ochs ★6 | STRKNG

Faster, harder, louder #1 - © Frank Bayh & Steff Ochs

Faster, harder, louder #8 / Nude  Fotografie von Fotograf Frank Bayh & Steff Ochs ★6 | STRKNG

Faster, harder, louder #8 - © Frank Bayh & Steff Ochs

Supermarket / Mode / Beauty  Fotografie von Fotograf Frank Bayh & Steff Ochs ★6 | STRKNG

Supermarket - © Frank Bayh & Steff Ochs

Vertigo / Mode / Beauty  Fotografie von Fotograf Frank Bayh & Steff Ochs ★6 | STRKNG

Vertigo - © Frank Bayh & Steff Ochs

Beauty is in the nostrils of the beholder / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf Frank Bayh & Steff Ochs ★6 | STRKNG

Beauty is in the nostrils of the beholder - © Frank Bayh & Steff Ochs

Fshion Portrait / Mode / Beauty  Fotografie von Fotograf Frank Bayh & Steff Ochs ★6 | STRKNG

Fshion Portrait - © Frank Bayh & Steff Ochs

Frank Bayh & Steff Ochs


Frank & Steff have been working as a photographer duo since 2004. The symbiosis of male and female views, initially thought of as an experiment, soon manifested itself as a happy coincidence accompanied by numerous photo shows and acknowledgments. Meanwhile, the two artists realize all their projects together, whether commercial or free.
The moment of irritation, the elaborate but still catchy visual language, which contains not only the free but also the commercial works with all its details and compositions - the fingerprint of the duo - are especially appreciated by collectors of temporary photo art, as well as customers in fashion, advertising, the industry and economy .

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