Fotograf männlich
Irina / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf Carsten Domnick ★2 | STRKNG

Irina - © Carsten Domnick

Annika / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf Carsten Domnick ★2 | STRKNG

Annika - © Carsten Domnick

Irina / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf Carsten Domnick ★2 | STRKNG

Irina - © Carsten Domnick

Andrea / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf Carsten Domnick ★2 | STRKNG

Andrea - © Carsten Domnick

Stella / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf Carsten Domnick ★2 | STRKNG

Stella - © Carsten Domnick

Stella / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf Carsten Domnick ★2 | STRKNG

Stella - © Carsten Domnick

Vivien / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf Carsten Domnick ★2 | STRKNG

Vivien - © Carsten Domnick

Lakshmi / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf Carsten Domnick ★2 | STRKNG

Lakshmi - © Carsten Domnick

Annika / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf Carsten Domnick ★2 | STRKNG

Annika - © Carsten Domnick

Stella / Schwarz-weiss  Fotografie von Fotograf Carsten Domnick ★2 | STRKNG

Stella - © Carsten Domnick

11.03.2021 10:36 


As mentioned in my previous blog entry I am returning more and more to the analog photography. So at the end of last year I reactivated my darkroom because I wanted to extend my photographic process from taking the picture to creating the print again.
With a lot of support from Axel I began my way into lithprinting, which is a special version of analog printing. In addition to a special developer you need a photographic paper which fits to the process. One of the papers popular in this process is the ORWO paper which was produced in the former GDR (German Democratic Republic) and is no longer produced for nearly three decades.

The print shown here is my first successful print on ORWO paper..

Regards and „good light and good luck“,

Carsten Domnick

STRKNG Teilnehmer der Portfolio-Bilder


... einfach Portraits von Menschen mit Persönlichkeit in schwarzweiss.
Alle Bilder analoge Abzüge (gescannt) aus der klassischen Dunkelkammer.

… simply portraits of people with personality in black and white.
All images analoge prints (scanned) from the classic darkroom.

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