Carsten Domnick


Europa / Deutschland / Rheinland-Pfalz / Bellheim

Fotograf männlich
03.03.2021 09:59 
Steffi / Portrait / analog,film,portrait,studio
Steffi / Portrait / analog,film,studio,portrai
Steffi / Portrait / analog,film,portrait,studio
Steffi / Portrait / analog,film,portrait,studio
Steffi / Portrait / analog,film,portrait,studio
Steffi / Portrait / analog,film,portrait,studio

Analog studio portraits

after a few years of absence I returned to analog photography a while ago. This was not a technical decision (I do not believe in any competition between digital and analog photography), but more an emotional one. I do like that I have to focus on preparing and I do not get an immediate feedback (but I do use a DSLR for the first few shots to confirm my exposure metering etc.).
The photos posted here today were all taken on 35mm-film, partly with studio flash light on Ilford FP4 and partly with constant lights on Ilford HP5. All films were develoed in HC-110 and scanned. In my hybrid process I did some minor adjustments in Lightroom (contrast, b/w, dust removal), but no retouching.

Regards and all the best,

Carsten Domnick


... einfach Portraits von Menschen mit Persönlichkeit in schwarzweiss.
Alle Bilder analoge Abzüge (gescannt) aus der klassischen Dunkelkammer.

… simply portraits of people with personality in black and white.
All images analoge prints (scanned) from the classic darkroom.

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