Fotograf männlich / 52
MAKE A BREAK / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf BeHa_ART_Photography ★3 | STRKNG

MAKE A BREAK - © BeHa_ART_Photography

dreaming and bondage / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf BeHa_ART_Photography ★3 | STRKNG

dreaming and bondage - © BeHa_ART_Photography

im tunnel / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf BeHa_ART_Photography ★3 | STRKNG

im tunnel - © BeHa_ART_Photography

„shoes / belt / gloves“ / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf BeHa_ART_Photography ★3 | STRKNG

„shoes / belt / gloves“ - © BeHa_ART_Photography

thinking of you / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf BeHa_ART_Photography ★3 | STRKNG

thinking of you - © BeHa_ART_Photography

waiting for you / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf BeHa_ART_Photography ★3 | STRKNG

waiting for you - © BeHa_ART_Photography

miss you / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf BeHa_ART_Photography ★3 | STRKNG

miss you - © BeHa_ART_Photography

the morning was rainy. the sun on the horizon. silence ... / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf BeHa_ART_Photography ★3 | STRKNG

the morning was rainy. the sun on the horizon. silence ... - © BeHa_ART_Photography

in 30 seconds / Fine Art  Fotografie von Fotograf BeHa_ART_Photography ★3 | STRKNG

in 30 seconds - © BeHa_ART_Photography

21.06.2021 14:55 
behind the stripes
behind the stripes

relax in the sun

hot summer days

21.07.2020 15:02 


After the Show

16.07.2020 11:23 

with me
Model: Charlie

sensual fine art studio shooting

28.02.2020 12:51 

on the attic with Frieda

the morning was rainy. the sun on the horizon. silence ... Thanks to the wonderful model.

- Chemnitz
- attic
- Hevianna07 (

18.04.2019 09:50 
entfesselte Seele / Kreativ
entfesselte Seele
entfesselte Seele / Kreativ
entfesselte Seele
entfesselte Seele / Kreativ
entfesselte Seele
entfesselte Seele / Kreativ
entfesselte Seele
entfesselte Seele / Kreativ
entfesselte Seele
entfesselte Seele / Kreativ
entfesselte Seele
entfesselte Seele / Kreativ
entfesselte Seele
entfesselte Seele / Kreativ
entfesselte Seele
entfesselte Seele / Kreativ
entfesselte Seele

entfesselte Seele

Meine Serie "entfesselte Seele" entstanden beim Antje Kröger Workshop

Januar 2019
Meisterklasse Menschenfotografie


STRKNG Teilnehmer der Portfolio-Bilder


I'm looking!

How it all started:
It was in the wonderful month of May 1972, when I saw the first light in my life. It was also loud, hectic and very bright! Headlight-like, I was flashed directly into my sensitive eyes. In my opinion, it must have been this moment that told me, "... turn off the lightning! Therefore, I love to work in natural light with artistically photography.

To me:
In the middle of life, I know what's important and live for it! I have 3 children and give you every minute of free time! ... to my dear kids: "Love You so much! You 3 are the most important thing in my life! You are MY LIFE!"

For several years I have been engaged in artistic photography, which has become more and more a passion step by step. Skillfully putting people in the scene and thus stimulating the head cinema of the beholder is my mission! When I work, I implement my ideas! Ideas are abundant and there are always new ones added. I take inspiration for upcoming photo projects from the ever-changing environment. Therefore, I decide which person is suitable for which idea.

You are welcome to contact me and we have a phone call to meet us. But: I want to get to know you exactly! Because I want to see and recognize who you are and which project suits you. I myself very relaxed, more than 100% detail-loving in my job and I would say perfectionist.

Region: Leipzig / Germany / Worldwide
Set: Accessories for various projects available or are being organized
Mask: professional make-up artist / stylist for the shoot available

Best regards,

F I N E - A R T - P H O T O G R A P H Y
COPYRIGHT © BeHa_ART_Photography

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