Fotograf männlich / 35
BELOVED / Stimmungen  Fotografie von Fotograf AMIT | STRKNG


UNTITLED / Menschen  Fotografie von Fotograf AMIT | STRKNG


  • Portfolio / Photographer AMIT
  • 2024-06-01T05:58:51+02:00
  • 2024-06-01T05:58:51+02:00
  • Fotograf AMIT
14.12.2022 07:21 
Untitled / Lost places





  • Info Fotograf AMIT
  • 2024-06-01T05:58:51+02:00
  • 2024-06-01T05:58:51+02:00
  • Fotograf AMIT

I am an amateur photographer and I love working on creative stuff. I am willing to make sacrifices if my craft demands it. I am particularly attracted to movies because I feel that they can tell stories in the most creative way possible. A well-made movie can suck the audience into its world. Be it a documentary or a feature film, what matters is the connection that it creates between the storyteller and the audience. Still photography, however, makes the viewer think more. 10 different people might interpret a photograph in 10 different ways. I like to express my thoughts and feelings through the pictures that I take. Once I look at my pictures, I try to think about the stories behind the pictures. I try to think of reasons behind the emotions. I genuinely believe that, if one can capture the perfect moment, a picture can indeed be worth a thousand stories. In fact, even words can fall short of describing many things that a picture can. I wish to reach out to as many people as I can through my photography. I would love to expose the public to the unseen corners of our planet. There are many supremely talented people who share the same desire and some of them have made significant contributions in this field. I would like to join them to improve my craft and fulfill my dreams.

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