Fotograf männlich
Action  Fotografie von Fotograf Alex Gundlak | STRKNG

- © Alex Gundlak

Breathless with Min / Action  Fotografie von Fotograf Alex Gundlak | STRKNG

Breathless with Min - © Alex Gundlak

Mode / Beauty  Fotografie von Fotograf Alex Gundlak | STRKNG

- © Alex Gundlak

Mode / Beauty  Fotografie von Fotograf Alex Gundlak | STRKNG

- © Alex Gundlak

Action  Fotografie von Fotograf Alex Gundlak | STRKNG

- © Alex Gundlak

Mode / Beauty  Fotografie von Fotograf Alex Gundlak | STRKNG

- © Alex Gundlak

Mode / Beauty  Fotografie von Fotograf Alex Gundlak | STRKNG

- © Alex Gundlak

Alex Gundlak


Essentially it is all about light and shadow, white and black, but there is so much magic in between. I create photos where I try to capture the true beauty of the subject, without any chichi. True and direct.

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